Bad Karma For Australia

The Australian government has been paying off people smugglers with tens of thousands of dollars to turn their boats around. This is illegal and evil. The Australian government refuses to deny the claims. In the past, this would be enough to force a change of government, the scandal would be MASSIVE and spoken about for months endlessly. But in today’s evil evil world, a few days have passed and no one cares anymore. It’s forgotten. Forget the fact that refugees have a legal right, a human right, to leave danger and seek a safe haven. But the government may be paying to send them back to their death, and does anyone even care?

The awful awful truth is that Australian people don’t care. By ignoring evil, we allow it, we consent to it. The cowardly silence of the people, who continue to natter on morning tv about doing housework (oh who should do it, the men or the women?)! Absolutely fascinating the issues we care about so passionately, who does the housework – are you kidding? Let’s ignore anything that matters at all to people of the world. Australians are making their karmic bed and karma will come home to roost soon.

Traditionally Australia has had really good karma and people genuinely cared, about the planet and about others. As a result of good karma, we have low unemployment, wonderful and affordable health care, a strong economy etc, the lucky country. We were barely affected by the huge economic downturn of 2008, it was like a miracle I thought. How do you think we managed to stay so lucky when the rest of the world is in strife, utter strife with high unemployment, low wages, terrible pollution and now radiation, especially in the US/Japan but spreading. How have we been so lucky? It was our good karma protecting us. But now we sanction a government who pays people smugglers and then will not answer questions about it. The government is accountable to us, they are the servants of the people, but the people now turn a TOTAL blind eye to this evil. I am gobsmacked, and I am sure that it is complete…the evil of this world, it has spread to every corner and the great Chastisement is almost here. When it occurs, later this year as predicted by the global elite mafia, Australians cannot complain about their woes this time, we can’t escape it this time. Mark my words because I know it is coming and I know it will come here, to Australian shores for once in our lives. We hold the hands of evil government and let them do what they like, not even discussing it, let alone getting rid of the elected evil.

I have a good psychic sense of karma, and I know this much – as a population we just crossed a very dangerous line as we agreed on mass to ignore evil and thereby consent to it. We have some bad bad karma to work through as a nation to get us back on track. What we sow is what we shall reap.

I am sickened by our lack of caring about any issue that affects this world or others in the world. Being asleep is no excuse for allowing evil. Being asleep is no excuse. We need to Wake up before we are forced to wake up by events so tragic we will not know what hit us. The deeper asleep we stubbornly are, the worse events will be in order to wake us up. I swear, we will probably start getting the same radiation polluting our land as in America…it just has to start coming south somewhat instead of east…

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