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20 Crystals To Lift Your Mood

All 20 of these crystals for depression work to heal the heart, uplift the mind, boost energy levels, and draw in more positive energy so that negative thoughts can be conquered. There are many, many stones that help depression, more even than on this list. Follow your intuition when choosing a stone. My favourite is rose quartz as an all round heart healer and soother, which I always turn to when I feel particularly let down as it never fails to do the trick. For these crystals to work on your depression, they must either be worn or carried on your person for either several days or weeks depending on your situation. May they bring you peace.

Agate is wonderful for stabilising the aura and removing negativity. It is a gentle cleansing stone that brings in harmony and restores rational thinking. It can also help one to bring in inspiration from the higher dimensions. It is a calming stone that will help sooth depressive and agitated states. Blue lace agate is a very peaceful stone. Fire agate is good if depression has someone feeling thoroughly burned out and exhausted.

Amazonite is an excellent stone for balancing mood swings that may result from depression. It works to dispel fear and anger. It is a soothing, green-blue stone.

AmethystAmethyst (left) is a useful stone to aid during depression for its ability to induce tranquility and contentment whilst it also works on soothing anger, irritability, mood swings or indeed any form of negative emotion that is being held onto. It can clear blocked energy and may help one move out of depression sooner. See Amethyst Properties.

Ametrine is especially good for depression because it carries the benefits of both amethyst and citrine. Citrine is a crystal of joy that can invigorate and uplift whilst negative blockages are dissolved.

Aventurine can be helpful for depression that is due to feeling isolated or unloved. This green heart stone helps one to feel loved and content. It can promote healing and stabilisation of the heart.

Carnelian, a stone of courage and will, can stimulate the lethargic into action and remove the feeling of apathy. It can raise energy levels and clear the mind of confusion. Fear and depression can be banished and replaced with a feeling of strength. Make sure to use genuine carnelian and not a fake stone such as a coloured agate.

charoiteCharoite (right) can certainly be useful if working on shifting depression. It eliminates fear and clears the aura, transmuting negative energy from deep levels into positive. It is a special stone that can help one sleep soundly and can encourage unconditional love whilst helping to improve manifestation. See Charoite Properties.

Emerald: Ladies, if you have an emerald ring (natural, not created) then wear this during depressed times. It is a heart stone that promotes harmony whilst also clearing away negativity. See Emerald Properties.

Garnet: Once again, if you happen to have garnet jewellery, it can be worn to help bring strength and courage, as well as making us feel safe and secure. It is a great crystal for boosting energy levels.

Larimar is such a stone of joy and peace, it will help with depression. It also promotes self-confidence. A powerful angel stone, we can also use it to help connect to angelic realms and our own angels. It also dissolved energy blockages we may be carrying from the past. Due to high demand, it is quite expensive. The heat treated stone is cheaper but I would not recommend.

Malachite is excellent for depression. Although it is known as a nature stone (one that attunes us to nature and earth), it also balances mood swings, and can powerfully heal the heart by drawing out past hurts or trauma. It is a transformative stone that helps to release the past and brings peace. A very healing stone emotionally and also physically.

Morganite is another stone that helps to powerfully heal past hurts, which can be a cause of depression. This heart stone helps to heal feelings of being unloved or rejected. Also a calming stone.

rose quartzRose Quartz (left), the queen of love stones, is a beautiful and gentle crystal that heals the heart of past hurt, especially pain from romantic relationships that don't work out. It can ease this hurt that may be the underlying cause of depression. It is calming and fills us with love. Wear a rose quartz pendant over the heart chakra for powerful healing. It also can help us find forgiveness and keep our heart open as we release pain. See Rose Quartz Properties.

Smoky Quartz has the power to lift depression. It encourages positive thoughts to fill the mind, cleansing away the negative. It will calm the busiest of overactive minds and works to remove fear. See Smoky Quartz Properties.

Rhodochrosite can heal depression and banish negative thoughts from one's mind. It can help to bring back cheerful thoughts. Is said to attract romantic love back into one's life, and be good for relieving headaches. See Rhodochrosite Properties.

Rhodonite, yet another love stone, is able to heal past traumas and forgive ourself and others so that unconditional love is once more available within. It can bring on a depression where it is being repressed, allowing a person to move on for good.

Ruby may benefit any depressive state by instilling confidence to the wearer, and sparking new energy for life and passion. Good to use at the end of a depression treatment after working with softer stones like rose quartz, etc.

Sunstone, as its name suggests, is a sunny stone that promotes optimism and joy. It can bring back laughter and confidence, whilst being safe and uplifting. I feel this is a great stone for children who are depressed.

Pink Tourmaline is a good stone to use for grief.

Turquoise is good to help someone who is recovering from nervous breakdown. Make sure to find real turquoise and not one of the many faked, blue-coloured stones.

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